Given the growing world-wide urbanization and the need for achieving a sustainable way of living, there is an urgent need for developing possibilities sustainable ways of urban living. This study was carried to find the existing urban sustainable practices and to propose connections and complementarity between them. For this, this study was based on emerging design practices to foster and disseminate the practices to a wider public, which resulted on the creation of the »Guidebook for Urban Freedom«.
Nicholas Torretta
Helsinki, Finnland
Wie lassen sich die wertvollen Rohstoffe, die in vielen Produkten stecken, intelligent und kostengünstig zurück gewinnen und nachhaltig wieder verwerten? Wie kann man ein Produkt von vornherein so gestalten, dass Recycling und Nachnutzung optimal möglich sind? Diesen und anderen akuten Fragen rund um das Thema Wert- und Rohstoffe widmet sich die neue Fraunhofer-Projektgruppe für Wertstoffkreisläufe und Ressourcenstrategie IWKS.
Stefanie Heyduck
Featured image: L. Stallknecht / PIXELIO
How may we evaluate the sustainability of processual, open source, community-based, bottom-up/ P2P projects and initiatives within clothing and fashion, or even broader, within economies of culture? Building on an ‚ethical fashion‘ case, OpenWear, this small reflection will try to provide some lines of thought that might be useful to move ahead with understanding the sustainability of such phenomena better. And, in a broader perspective, provide a bit of food for thought around cultures of sustainability.
Oleg Koefoed
Kopenhagen (DK)